Hi I build efficient apps & libraries using the web platform. With powerful libraries, I deliver results with simpler systems. Systems that emphasize:
- powerful primitives
- bottom-up development
- domain ontology
Unlocking the vanilla web platform to deliver productivity without framework bloat. The result is fast web sites/apps & systems that expand to handle more with less.
Signals Proposal Compared to rmemo/WeakRef
WeakRef can simplify systems built using the Signals Proposal. By removing the need to unwatch live Signals. WeakRef is criticized for having extra memory allocations & being slow.
This post shows benchmarks. Including the Signals Proposal polyfill & rmemo, a reactive library that uses WeakRef. Comparing:
- performance
- memory usage
- implementation
V8 & Javascript Core have different Garbage Collection behavior for WeakRef. This caused me confusion with my initial benchmarks which were only synchronous. This post demonstrates the implementations. This post then highlights use cases where WeakRef can be used for simple & flexible reactive apis.
Squarespace Site Lighthouse Scores
Let's analyze the performance of some Squarespace sites. Along with the fastest WordPress & Shopify themes.
Tag Vector: Part 0: Introduction
Tag Vector is a name system where tags connected as a vector form a name. Tag Vector can name variables, functions, components, network apis, low code apps, & prose.
Recent Posts
Tag Vector Interpreted by Chat GPT
An experiment using Chat GPT 3.5 on a Tag Vector blog post
Introducing rmemo
Introducing the rmemo reactive state management library.
Log 2023-11-06
Data layer definitions
Log 2023-10-29
CMS exploration: Strapi, GrapeJS, CodeMirror, Astrojs, Vite, Vercel, Fly.io