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Brian Takita's client project work. started from a fork from AstroPaper. Optimized the performance, SEO, & semantic markup with json-ld. I develop & experiment with software tech on this site.

Stackrappstack bunjs ElysiaJS ctx-core relysjs relementjs rmemo Docker VPS

Brooke Brodack is one of the original YouTube personalities. Her character, Brookers, once had the most subscribers on YouTube. This site features the Brookers Timeline & Brooke Brodack's current Youtube Content. Embedding the YouTube & Internet Archive players. rmemo shines in this implementation to manage the player state & web animations. The web animation logic improved after switching from Motion One to rmemo. The source code is under the Apache 2 license.

Stackrappstack bunjs SQLite DrizzleORM ElysiaJS hyopjs ctx-core relysjs relementjs rmemo Docker VPS

Martin Investments

Designed & Built an analyst & customer portal for ESG investment funds. ESG analysis algorithms to rate companies according to Environment & Women in Leadership criteria.

Utilized various financial APIs. Built a XLSX exporter spanning > 10000 rows & hundreds of columns. Exported the ESG analysis algorithms into Excel documents. Wrote direct Office Open XML. Included deep linking across the document & to relevant web content.

Built SVG & PDF exporters of portfolio & company ESG reports.

StackNode.js pnpm ctx-core astrojs Nano Stores solidjs redis Docker VPS


Progressive Web App. Enables you to upload your stock portfolio from a CSV file. Rebalances your portfolio based on ESG metrics compared to an Index Fund benchmark. You can select ESG Issue criteria (for scoring). And binary restriction criteria to identify securities that cross ethical boundaries. This app uses a market value weighted color bar, based on segmented scores. Highlighting areas of improvement.

You add or replace securities by the following. Name, Industry Peers, Industry Sectors, Market Cap Groups, Geographic Regions, & Economic Regions. Shows which positions to trade to optimize the ESG score. You can print a PDF report and industry sector analysis of the portfolio & benchmark fund.

Women In Leadership Report

Market survey of Women in corporate leadership positions. Scoring applied to analysis. Analysis includes:

  • Best Performing Companies
  • Best Performing Large Companies
  • Worst Performing Companies
  • Best & Worst Performing Funds
  • Largest Funds
  • Socially Responsible Funds.
StackNode.js pnpm ctx-core astrojs Nano Stores solidjs solid-start postgres redis heroku

Front end development of the multi-tenant app. Consumer web app, restaurant back-office, & back-office Cordova app.

Stacksveltejs ctx-core sapper Cordova aws

Private NextCloud groupware site with some custom plugins.

StackNextCloud Docker VPS


Worked with the previous incarnation of Neo before it's acquisition. The client was Tenfore Holdings, an investment fund. A low-code document writer integrating search into the client's Salesforce cloud account.

StackNode.js riot.js RethinkDB heroku


Web front-end development for social planning & decision app for restaurant patrons. Mobile cordova app ranked in Google's Best Apps of 2014 List.

Web front-end development for social planning & decision app for restaurant patrons.

Stackriot.js Backbone.js heroku


Consulting developer for social entertainment platform. Scalable live video events with admin message moderation & components. On-demand movies with time-coded chat & interactive components.

StackRuby on Rails Node.js postgres redis heroku

Lead developer for automotive pricing & info startup. Built product from initial concept through acquisition by TrueCar. Key partnerships include News Corp, Wall Street Journal, USAA.

StackRuby on Rails sinatrarb erector Backbone.js postgres lucene Engine Yard

Pivotal Labs

Agile engineer with Web2.0 consulting firm & startup incubator from 2005-2009. EMC acquired Pivotal Labs. VM Ware Tunzu acquired EMC. I worked with > 20 startup companies. I bootstrapped their product development, engineer process, & mentoring developers. While at Pivotal Labs I worked on open source libraries including:

rspec rr erector unison cacheable-flash

I spoke at the 2008 Rails Conf.